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Europe Day 2025
Europe Day 2025

75 years of unity and cooperation

What is Europe Day?

Europe Day marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration, presented on 9 May 1950. This signalled a new era for peace, integration and democratic cooperation in Europe, laying the foundations for the European Union as we know it today.

To commemorate the Declaration’s 75th anniversary, the European institutions invite citizens to visit our premises and discover a variety of online and on-site activities in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg, with additional events taking place throughout the EU Member States and around the world.

What’s on?

Through a series of events, activities and themed spaces, Europe Day offers citizens a chance to visit the European institutions, discover how they operate on a daily basis, and explore the policies that shape our lives.

All activities are free of charge, with no registration required.

To take part, check out the programmes that participating EU institutions have put together for 3 May in Strasbourg, and 10 May in Brussels, Luxembourg, Echternach and Frankfurt.

Events in your country

Europe Day is also celebrated throughout the EU’s 27 Member States and around the globe. 

To learn more about Europe Day events held across Europe, visit the websites of the Commission Representations and European Parliament Liaison Offices

For activities taking place around the world, check out the EU delegations and ongoing Missions and Operations

On Friday 9 May, the European Union will also be honoured at the World Expo 2025 in Osaka, Japan. On that day, the EU and its Member States will offer a special programme featuring the cultural richness and diversity of Europe.